Berland Sponsors Resolution to Improve Suffolk Affordable Housing Program

Suffolk County Legislator Susan A. Berland recently announced her sponsorship for a resolution to improve Suffolk County’s affordable housing program. The Introductory Resolution 2209-2018 was approved unanimously by the Suffolk County Legislature at their general meeting on May 14.

This resolution amends the Suffolk County Administrative Code to require that a percentage of all parcels developed as affordable housing with the assistance of the county remain so in perpetuity.

“I introduced this resolution to combat a lack of affordable housing in Suffolk County due in part to affordable housing projects reverting to market rate housing after a set number of years,” said Legislator Berland. “The goal of this resolution is to keep some number of affordable housing units affordable forever. It is our job as elected officials to ensure that those who wish to live and work here in Suffolk County, have the opportunity to do so.”

The resolution has a two-pronged approach: If the County supplies funding for an affordable housing project, a maximum of 20 percent of the County’s portion of the funding will go towards the development of units that must remain affordable in perpetuity. If a property is transferred pursuant to the 72-H transfer program the house built on that property must remain affordable in perpetuity.


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