How to: Know Who Represents You in Congress

Many Huntington residents are confused by the re-redistricting of the congressional lines  this year, when the state legislature altered maps that had just gone into effect  two years ago.

Here is where to go to find out your congressional, State Assembly and State Senate district :

Your district representative may change effective Jan. 1. Particularly confusing residents was the special election that led to TomSuozzi, who previously represented Huntington, being chosen to succeed the disgraced George Santos in the 3rd district. Right now, Suozzi doesn’t represent Huntington. However, in January, his district will return to cover parts of  the town, while US Rep.Nick LaLota will continue to represent other parts of Huntingon.

To determine which congressional candidates will be on your ballot in November, to take office in January, choose this from the dropdown menu:

Congress (2025 enacted; 2025-2032)

Then add your address to the box in the upper righthand corner. Make sure you pick the right map because the site includes a variety of maps that were approved, overturned, and then replaced again.

You can do the same thing for Assembly and State Senate; those maps are less confusing.

The state primary is June 25, which is when Democrats in the 1st district will choose between Nancy Goroff and John Avlon to go up against LaLota.

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