Environmental Statement Off the Table at Planning Board Meeting

A draft environmental impact statement that was expected to be considered at Wednesday’s Planning Board meeting has been removed from the agenda.

The town said the Planning Department staff had requested additional information but was not covered in the proposed DEIS. The additional information sought is primarily in the areas of natural environmental resources, water and air resources, ecological resources and community-related character and services.

The DEIS is expected to be on the agenda for the June 19 Planning Board meeting.

The DEIS was prepared by Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC and submitted to the Town of Huntington Department of Planning and Environment on April 17.

The Planning Board was scheduled to determine, at their June 5 meeting, whether to accept the DEIS as adequate for public review in terms of scope and content, or return the DEIS to Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC with a written identification of the deficiencies.

On August 16, 2018, the Town of Huntington released The Preserve at Indian Hills Draft Scope submitted by the applicant for a public review and comment period, which ended Monday, Sept.17, 2018. During the public comment period on the Draft Scope, residents were encouraged to suggest any additional information pertinent to the The Preserve at Indian Hills project.

The Preserve at Indian Hills Draft Scope document can be viewed on the Town’s website under the Planning & Environment Department page, under Site Specific Plans, Reports & Studies (select Senior Living Projects or Residential Projects). The Draft Scope assists the Town of Huntington Planning Board in evaluating the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).

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