Members Appointed to Town Committees

The Huntington Town Board on Tuesday appointed the following residents to advisory boards and task forces.

African American Task Force: Ken Patrick Johnson, to a term ending Dec. 31, 2027.

Anti-Bias Task Force: Bruce Segal, to a term ending Dec. 31, 2027.

Asian American Task Force: Shazia Jabeen, Dec. 31, 2027.

LGBTQ+ Task Force:
Phillip Griffin, Dec. 31,  2027, Joe Schramm, Dec. 31, 2025.

Citizens Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities: Roberta Rosenberg, Michele Schmitz, Jo-Ann Raia, Maureen Donohue, Tamar Sherman.

Plumbing Advisory Board: John McLaughlin, reappointed; Jonathan Lombardo, chairman. Appointed ex-officio member Laurie Gatto-Argiriou.

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