Primary Vote to Pick Democratic Candidate in 1st District

Democratic voters will choose between two candidates Tuesday to decide who will run against US Rep. Nick LaLota in the 1st congressional district.

Nancy Goroff, a chemistry professor, and John Avlon, a former CNN anchor, are vying to be the candidate to challenge the first-term Republican.

LaLota has no Republican opponent.

Turnout has very low during primary voting for the last week. The primary is open only to those registered as Democrats.

Some voters continue to be confused by which congressional district they are in now that redistricting has been completed, and at least one Huntington neighborhood that is in the newly-reinstated 3rd district has some Avlon lawn signs posted.

Rep. Tom Suozzi, who represents the 3rd district, has no opponent in the primary.

To verify your district, candidate and polling place, go to:



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