Teen Turns Commitment to Help Others Into Birthday Box Project

A Cold Spring Harbor teen has turned her empathy into an ongoing project to provide books and toys to children at their yearly medical checkups.

Sylvie Schneider focuses on 6-year-olds through her Birthday Box Foundation, packing boxes with a variety of toys and books ranging from Nerf balls to Jenga, and board games such as Guess and Sorry.

She got the idea from watching her parents contribute books for children ages 1-5 and thought the 6-year-olds might feel left out.

So each month, she brings 12 boxes, four each wrapped in blue, pink or green, and delivers them to the Northwell Family Health Center in Huntington Station. After children have their medical checkups, often scheduled to coincide with their birthdays, they receive a box of gifts, which they are encouraged to share with siblings.

“She’s a better person than me,” her father, Scott, said.

She has been buying the gifts at local stores and an Amazon wishlist, and delivering them for about three years. She hopes to be able to expand the program to include kids of more ages but needs more financial support.

“We need more Sylvie Schneiders!” said Dr. William. C. Gehrhardt, a pediatrician who helped her carry in her latest delivery on Monday.

To support the Birthday Box Foundation through purchases or donations, visit




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