Town Reappoints Park Stewards

The Town Board has  approved the reappointment of the following people as park stewards:

Constance Beatty, Dayna Bell, Gary Bentler, William Berg, Enez Boozer, Susan Burton, Thomas Conboy, Manny/Eileen Darwin, Annette Dowd, Scott Driver, Susan Dziurzynski, Gertrude Frein, Rick Friend, Karen Galindo, Lynn Geisler, Marvin Glassman, Haerter family, Vida Hettenbach, Bruce Howe, Catherine Hubbard, Huntington Audobon Society, Robert Ingraham, Jarrett family, Barbara Kasa, Neal Keavney, Loretta Kepler, Laurel Kretzig, Angela Lauth, Kate Levine, Virginia Mallon, Melissa Maravell, George McGann, Jon McGillicuddy, Jackie/Noel McGrath, Suzanne McGuire, Peter McGullam, Laura McKellar, Trish Medwig, Ellen Melore, Richard Meyer, Klaus Moser-Mayne, Joan Mulligan-McGrath, Janet Naideau, Arthur Papayanopulos, Richard Podlesney, Richard Robbins, Patricia Reevers, Marie Fendeley, Donna Romanao, Brian Sauer, Paul Scardino, Rinaldo Sebastiano, Phyllis Sherwood, Laurie Farber, Julie Sullivan, David Tonjes, Joye Toor, Paul Warburgh, Jeffrey Wasserman, Stanley Wertheimer, Anne Wesp, Alvin White and Barbara Wildfeir.

Park Steward volunteers assist the town by monitoring the use and condition of town parkland.



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