Hochul Signs Congressional Redistricting Bill

Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation Wednesday, allowing new maps of congressional districts to go into effect in 2025. The legislature approved the bill earlier in the day.

The new maps will bring parts of Huntington back into the Third District, which is represented by Tom Suozzi, who coincidentally was sworn in the day as the newest member of the House of Representatives. He will finish the term left vacant by the ouster of George Santos, who is facing a variety of charges. He will be up for re-election to a full term in November, as are all members of the House of Representatives.

Describing Suozzi’s return to the House Wednesday night, The New York Times reported Suozzi bellowed  “Wake up!”  at his new colleagues in a House chamber. “The people are sick and tired of finger-pointing and petty partisan politics,” he said, chastising Republicans and Democrats alike for “letting ourselves be bullied by our base” on issues like inflation and “the chaos at the border,” the Times said.

Hochul approved a “message of necessity” that allowed the same-day vote and skip the usual three-day waiting period needed to pass bills. The urgency reflected the need of parties to circulate petitions to get their candidates onto the ballot for the primaries on June 25.

File photo from 2020.

Ceremonial Swearing-in for Rep. Tom Suozzi @CSPAN


Hill, Candidate for 1st Congressional District, Suspends Campaign

2 Replies to “Hochul Signs Congressional Redistricting Bill”

    1. Hi, Carolyn, we are working on trying to get the final maps, which were just approved last night. We have seen something unofficial. If you are interested in a particular streeet or area, let me know and I might be able to figure it out. Meantime, we are working on trying to get the official versions.

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