UPDATE: Suffolk 911 Service Restored

Update From the Suffolk County Police Department

Cellular service with all Suffolk County 9-1-1 receiving call centers has been restored at this time. Anyone with an emergency can call 9-1-1. There were no reported disruptions to emergency services being dispatched. The problem with 9-1-1 cellular service throughout Suffolk County was attributed by Verizon as an equipment failure that impacted the cellular network.



The Suffolk County Police Department has been made aware of an intermittent issue with at least one known cell phone carrier that is causing disruptions to 911 call service within 911 call centers in Suffolk County. Residents are urged if they call 911 and receive a fast busy signal to hang up and immediately call 631-852-COPS and follow the prompts to be
directed to your police jurisdiction. The department is working to identify and rectify the issue as quickly as possible and there has been no disruption to emergency services being dispatched as a result of the issue.

2 Replies to “UPDATE: Suffolk 911 Service Restored”

  1. It would be beneficial to know which service provider is causing the disruption to 911 and why, so that paying subscribers can take action accordingly. I know I personally would find this offensive if they’re disrupting the service for monetary or contract issues, and placing people’s safety secondary to money.

    1. My guess would be hackers or phishing scammers have no idea what servers or systems they are getting into. I am under the impression they fly blind. Today grandma Suzie, tomorrow could be Ford Motor Company, there is no telling where their bugs will land. I would think a company with try to conceal who they are so the bad guy doesn’t realize just how big of a target they landed on. Again, just my guess…

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