Bontempi Awards Broderick Irish Recognition

 Legislator Stephanie Bontempi recognized John Broderick as her Irish American Person of Distinction honoree for the 18th District during the Irish American Heritage Day last week.
 Broderick has been active in AOH Huntington Division 4 since 2008, organizing two annual fundraisers. The first one, Comedy Night, was started in 2017, and it supports high school SEPTA scholarships. The second one, a Chili Cook-Off, was started in 2019 to assist division members in need. In 2021, he became the division president while Covid was still prevalent. He led a group of division members to create a virtual St. Patrick’s Day parade video, allowing the division to raise money to continue helping those in need during troubled times. In 2022, the division established the inaugural Junior Division to promote Irish history awareness among the next generation. The division held numerous community food drives and other fundraisers, including the annual Huntington St. Patrick’s Day parade, and began to thrive again.
He is  a new board member of the Suffolk County AOH and celebrates his heritage alongside his family, who are all members of Division 4’s LAOH.
“John exemplifies the true values of an Irish gentleman, hard work and community service. John has made significant contributions to our community, is a truly wonderful person and it is an honor to be able to recognize him today,” Bontempi said.
The ceremony took place at the county’s celebration at the H. Lee Dennison Building in Hauppauge.

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