Romaine Orders Officials’ Names Removed From County Signs

Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine made signs the subject of his first executive since taking office this week.

He ordered that officials’ names be removed from Suffolk County signs, affecting more than 80 signs throughout the county.

“The purpose of removing names of public officials from signs that belong to the people ensures transparency, eliminates poor practices of self-promotion and assures the 1.5 million residents of Suffolk County that we are committed to open government,” said Romaine. “Through this order, we are letting the residents know that they are the priority, not the elected officials.”

The order says that any reference to names of current county elected or appointed officials will be replaced with relevant information or contain facts about the location, including phone contact and website information.

In addition, Romaine’s office said, signage cannot be branded or re-branded with names of newly elected officials or used for political self-promotion and advertisement at taxpayer expense.

The order does not include properties, memorials and the naming and sponsorship of County facilities, parks and roads, pursuant to Chapter 1016 of the Suffolk County Code.

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Op-Ed: County Exec Candidates Debate Environment

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