Santos Expelled From Congress

US. Rep Nick LaLota, R-Amityville, declared the vote to expel George Santos from Congress “A huge win for New Yorkers.”

The House voted 311-114 Friday to get rid of the Republican freshman for his many ethical lapses.

Santos, who represented the Third Congressional District, in northwest Nassau County and part of Queens, faces 23 federal charges involving personal and campaign financing issues. He gained a reputation as a fabulist, for his many claims about his heritage, wealth and personal history.

LaLota said,  “With the expulsion of George Santos, Nassau and Queens County residents are one giant step closer to having real representation in the House of Representatives,” LaLota said.  “Today, my colleagues and I set a strong precedent: A Member who lies about everything about themselves to get elected will be expelled so voters can have a chance at a proper election. With George Santos in Washington’s rear-view mirror, it’s time to focus on policy issues like the border and our nation’s debt.”

The vote breakdown was: Republicans 105 yes, 112 no; Democrats 206 yes, 2 no, with a handful of other members of Congress voting present or not voting.

Santos became the sixth member of Congress to be expelled in history.

Political parties immediately jumped on the vote, with ActBlue, a Democratic organization asking for contributions to celebrate the vote, and the Working Families party saying, “Congress may have removed one Trump Republican from office. But there are still ten more in New York empowering insurrectionists and far-right extremists. MAGA Republicans have no place in New York. 2024 is around the corner—game on.”

Gov. Kathy Hochul said, “I am prepared to undertake the solemn responsibility of filling the vacancy in New York’s 3rd District by scheduling a special election. The people of Long Island and Queens deserve nothing less.”

She will have 10 days to call a special election.

The Third District previously included Huntington, but under redistricting, moved east, and Huntington became part of the First.

Editor’s Note: Santos Story Winds Back to Huntington


Questions Continue to Swirl Around Santos

George Santos Roundup


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