Stamp Out Drive Collected 382,000 Pounds of Food

The Stamp Out Hunger food drive collected more than 300,000 pounds of food, Island Harvest Food Bank said Wednesday.

The drive was conducted May 11, with donations left by mailboxes and collected by US Postal Service workers.

Randi Shubin Dresner, president and CEO of Island Harvest Food Bank, said the drive collected 382,175 pounds of food, which will be distributed to food pantries, soup kitchens and other emergency feeding programs in communities in Nassau and Suffolk counties.

“We are grateful for the generosity of Long Islanders who donated to this year’s Stamp Out Hunger campaign, whether it was just a can of soup or a bag full of groceries; that simple act of kindness will go a long way in improving the life of a person struggling with the uncertainty of not knowing where their next meal may be,” Shubin Dresner said. “Island Harvest also acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the leadership of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 6000, and the postal workers across Long Island, along with the support of our sponsors for their generosity and tireless efforts in our efforts to help our neighbors in need.”

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